Relationship counselling is a service for people who are worried about their relationship and want to do something about it. You don't have to be married or in a civil partnership to take advantage of our service and you certainly don't have to come as a couple. In fact, it's much better for you to come by yourself than to have no help at all. The best time to come is before things have reached a crisis point, but whatever stage your difficulties have reached, our counsellors will be able to offer you professional help and support.
38 Clare Road
Halifax, HX1 2HX
01422 363845
Relate counsellors work successfully with clients in all kinds of relationships, from all ethnicities and from all kinds of families.
Recently we have started working with the eQuality project specifically to improve access to relate's services for people in same sex and trans relationships.
If you are wondering about coming to relate, but are not sure whether it would be the right place for you, please give us a ring and we will be very happy to talk to you about it.