Feldenkrais Yorkshire
Caroline Scott Feldenkrais® Practitioner, Hebden Bridge

I'm Caroline Scott and I have been a Feldenkrais practitioner since 2002, working in London and West Yorkshire.
What is Feldenkrais?
The Feldenkrais Method® is a somatic educational system, named after its originator, Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984). He used his experience in mechanical engineering, physics and judo to devise this innovative approach which uses our attention and thinking as we make simple everyday movements so that we can more fully realise our potential.
What are the benefits?
- Improved posture, coordination and balance
- Easier and fuller breathing
- Greater relaxation and well-being
- Improved performance in sport, dance, music and drama
- Greater ease in everyday activities
- Increased vitality
- Relief from chronic tension and muscular pain
- More flexible thinking

The Feldenkrais approach of Somatic Education offers a wonderful opportunity for you to breathe more easily, improve your everyday movements and your sense of relaxation and well being.
Who's it for?
The majority of people I see are simply looking to improve their comfort in day to day life.
I work with people who have mobility issues such as MS, Parkinson's, those affected by stroke or recovering from surgery. These clients comment that they feel more stable and balanced after the sessions, confidence improves and they are able to enjoy the simple pleasures such as walking their dog.
I also help dancers recovering from injury, actors looking to improve their comfort in performance and children with disabilities.
I offer individual sessions, weekly group classes, and monthly Saturday workshops.
Classes & Workshops

These classes begin looking at an everyday action such as turning to look over your shoulder whilst driving.
The lesson then takes place lying on the floor, sitting or standing. I guide you through a sequence of movements that works like a physical riddle.
Each new movement is repeated and explored, enabling you to become familiar with it, and to begin to play with relationships between movements.
By engaging your curiosity, moving gently and at your own rate, you learn to explore the world of your internal sensation. You learn to use this awareness to release chronic patterns of tension and create new possibilities.
Coming back to the initial movement from the beginning of class, clients often remark on improvements in both range and quality, and a clearer awareness of what they are doing.
Bring a mat/blanket to lie on and wear clothes that you can move in, which are comfortable.
Weekly Feldenkrais Classes in Hebden Bridge
Mondays 7.30-8.30pm.
Costs £6/7
Individual Feldenkrais Sessions
We begin with an initial consultation which establishes your goals or desires for improvement and agree on a series of lessons to address your needs.

The individual sessions last an hour and begin with a discussion, followed by movement and observation about how your habits of movement help you, but at the same time stand in the way of you doing better.
The main part of this individual session involves gentle touch and manipulation. You lie fully clothed on a low table as I use my hands to gently support you, suggesting, encouraging and guiding you towards new ways of moving and organising yourself. At the end of the lesson I will often suggest ways you can work on your own, to help the new choices become a lasting part of your life.
Individual sessions cost £40
Client testimonial after an individual lesson:
Thank you for a really helpful Feldenkrais session yesterday. I feel as though I have grown a couple of inches, and was able to get out of bed this morning without any pain in my hips or lower back. It's a long time since that happened!– Marie Cleary April 2012
In the Press…
Yorkshire Post journalist came for a lesson and this was the result.